Boston - April 22
Dear Sister,
I deeply regret your great loss and I sincerely acknowledge a brotherly sympathy towards you and your dear little family. I cant write in words how I felt for your excellent husband and how affectionate he was towards Patrick. Now I tell Julia I never saw a child in my single days I thought more about as I did your Patrick.
Julia I was going to write to you long ago but I saw so many deaths in the family I could not know what to do. I dont write to no one but my parents, but when I saw from your letter your dire suffering I done the best I could to see Abby Mike Denis and myself we are sending you one pound each. I did not ask Thomas as he is loafing this long time he is suffering from rheumatism but is just gone to work.
Julia if I should go into details you are a lot better off than some of your friends here. What are you and your children in comparison to your sisters children. I tell you to go to work and start a store or some little business and support your children and if you would be satisifed I will send Patrick a passage and I will take as good care of him as my own Patrick. He would be the dearest boy I would want to take care of. Now accept a small gift and always let me know how you are getting on.
J. Moynihan